"Best Practices of Flare System Analysis" Webinar
by Jason Spearow, P.E., & Venkata Badam, P.E.
The flare system is a crucial part of the safety at many oil & gas facilities. Although it is such an integral, and potentially expensive, part of a facility, it is often not analyzed property. Flare systems without proper design, documentation, and understanding tend to result in excess money being spent on studies and physical modifications. This webinar covers the basic analysis workflow for analyzing a flare system, and the key items to look out for each aspect of the analysis.
It will also provide an overview of methods to reduce flare loads, and recommendations on analyzing risks and mitigating existing flare concerns in a cost-effective manner. This webinar is ideal if you have a current or upcoming flare project, or if you are dealing with the aftermath of a flare project that left numerous concerns to address.
Jason Spearow, P.E.
Senior Process Consultant
Mr. Spearow, P.E. is a degreed professional chemical engineer with over twelve years of specialized knowledge in relief systems design basis generation, concern resolution, and relief systems design training. Jason has experience with a wide variety of process units found throughout the industry, especially refineries and midstream facilities. Additionally, Jason helps onboard many of our new engineers and is one of our Relief System Design course instructors. Mr. Spearow earned his BS in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University and is a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas.
Venkata Badam, P.E.
Senior Process Consultant
Mr. Badam, P.E. is a degreed professional chemical engineer with over ten years of experience in Process Safety Management, specializing in relief and flare system design/concern resolution. He has participated in 20+ domestic and global projects for upstream/downstream oil and gas facilities/chemical manufacturing facilities, including a Flare System Analysis and Mitigation projects for large-scale industry refineries.