List of Benefits

  • Evergreening Advantages (CAPEX, MOC, Turnaround, etc.)
    With Salus, all Plant information is stored in a single database (complete with file attachments), ensuring that the latest information is used for analysis while still maintaining records of previous installations. Each completed report, as well as each piece of information that is used to generate it, is instantly available for reference purposes via the Data Insights tools. Organization and accessibility of this information can potentially save a significant amount of time and money.

  • Quality Assurance and Consistency
    Salus complies with all relevant codes and standards and has built-in calculation methods to ensure a consistent analysis.

  • Data Analytics for Concern Resolution ("Data Insights")
    The data analytics tools allow the user to instantly obtain queries of the relief systems study results in order to identify high-risk systems and major load contributors. These tools also enable the user to instantly obtain a complete list of all equipment and systems with deficiencies in the relief system, or to identify equipment or systems that may be directly impacted by any modifications to a related system.

  • Increased Efficiency
    Built-in calculation methods allow for rapid required relief rate determination as well as relief device sizing and hydraulic calculations. Salus also allows the user to import a complete heat & material balance to re-use stream compositions in multiple different cases.

  • Central Repository for Data (accessible for all users)
    Salus' use of the central SQL repository provides a singular source for the most accurate, most recent data, while simultaneously maintaining records of previous installments.

  • Designed for Engineers
    Salus' use of sequential workflows guides the user through the analysis. Additionally, a localized help manual is readily available to provide guidance in each step of the analysis.

  • Built-in Calculations
    Salus' built-in thermodynamic engine allows for a wide range of calculations of required relief rate determination, relief device sizing, and inlet/outlet piping hydraulics. The fluid physical properties are displayed for each calculation.

  • System-Based Analysis
    The workflow in Salus uses a system-based approach. All scenario identification and subsequent calculations are attached to the protected system rather than to the protecting relief device. When defining the system, the user specifies the protecting relief devices, protected equipment, and associated entities (control valves, pumps, etc.) that are relevant to the analysis. This allows for significant time savings when performing Management of Change as all system connections are available for quick reference.